Gateway to the Prairie

A fantastic community on the crossroads of Highways 75 and 68, nestled in the SW part of the state-just 8 miles from the South Dakota border. Great fishing, great lakes, history, great people, and good times!

Historic Downtown Canby Businesses

The Gift

The Gift first opened in Ivanhoe in 2010 and after six successful years, the decision was made to relocate the business to the hometown of Ashley "Nosbush" Wagner in Canby. 

The Gift officially welcomed customers at 209 St. Olaf Ave. and has thrived in Canby, collaborating with local businesses to become a shopping hub for the community.

Employing two part-time workers, The Gift is part of Canby's vibrant, close-knit community that hosts numerous activities, attracting both customers and residents. Initially offering home décor and gifts, The Gift has expanded its inventory to include boutique clothing from sizes small to 3XL.

In addition, The Gift features a selection of local artisan products, including clothing, jewelry, and furniture. The recent emphasis on shopping locally has significantly contributed to the store's success, bolstered by a strong social media presence. The Gift showcases its offerings on Facebook, Instagram, and its website, shipping clothing items across the U.S.

Canby Drug & Gift

Mark & Kari Whittier, originally from the Fargo, ND area, have owned Canby Drug & Gifts for 28 years... a quintessential "mom & pop" shop where Mark, a registered pharmacist, is in charge of the pharmacy. Kari, a retired elementary school teacher, works with the gift department. 

Canby Drug & Gifts, "a store full of treasures", boasts full lines of cards, candy, gifts, home decor, accent furniture, wall art, and creative floral arrangements by Christine. Friendly staff will help you find just the right gift or provide creative ideas for decorating your home. 

A registered pharmacist is available at all times to fill prescriptions and consult with you about your heal needs.

P.K. Egans Restaurant

Rescuing spicy traditions of the past, P.K. Egan's Restaurant Company has created a restaurant to spark both enthusiasm of time past and also your taste buds. Surrounded with living remnants of our past, we have sought to create a theatre of dreams, from the beautiful leaded glass peacock window, hazy etched glass, to the frivolous pictures of the great costume work of P.K.'s past.

For, just as P.K. once created and dreamed of creating the finest collections in clothing, so now has he used the same pride in concocting the finest pizzas, sandwiches, and Italian pasta.

He only asks that you enjoy this experience, for as Frederick Allen once said, "You only live once, but if you work it right, once is enough." 

Having survived the famous New Year's Eve fire of December 31, 1984, we rebuilt our restaurant in the same location. We serve the community with conference rooms, noon buffets, a variety of great food, and romantic old world surroundings. 

Our specialty is pizza and our famous coat button fries (sliced potatoes, breaded and deep fried). 

We've been in business on main street in Canby for over 30 years. 

Canby Print Shop - Canby News

Canby Print Shop has been a part of the Canby business community for many years.  Previously located in the rear of a building on first street west, the business moved to its current location on St Olaf Avenue in the mid-1980s.  It has been owned and operated by the Birk family since that time.

Our building dates back to the early 1900s, when it was home to Eaton's General Store.  The original Eaton's signage is still preserved on the side of the building along the city walkway.  The building later housed other businesses, including Anthony's and four Seasons clothing stores.

Canby Print Shop is a full-service provider of all types of printed materials.  From business supplies such as invoices, forms, business cards, and checks, to personal items such as wedding and graduations invitations, we can do it all.  We also provide fast and convenient copying and graphic design services.  

The front part of the building is now occupied by The Canby News.  The Print Shop is located in the back. 

Canby Meat Center, Inc. 

Canby Meat Center, Inc. is located at 125 St. Olaf Avenue North in Canby.  In the 1880’s, John Lund operated his land agency in the same building, selling many thousands of acres.  Meat markets have occupied this same building since 1929, when the Grondahl family opened Grondahl’s Market.  From 1974 to 2008 Gordy’s Locker Service was owned by Gordy & Barb Gentz.  In November, 2008 Chuck & Bonnie Moberg purchased Gordy’s Locker Service.  The business is now owned by Daniel VanDerostyne.  

Serving the farmers’ needs is very important to the business. Beef & pork processing has always been the mainstay of the business.  November deer season provides local hunters with great products.

At different times through the years, retail meat & groceries were available via the main street entrance. A goal when Mobergs purchased the Meat Center was to have a retail storefront when it opened in May, 2011.  Currently offered are Schroeder Milk products, Amish Wedding, Old Dutch, Sara Lee baked products, Bongards cheese & farm fresh eggs.

Homemade products are most popular and that is because recipes used are those of Grondahl’s ring bologna, summer sausage, ham loaf & pork sausage; Porter Locker’s polish sausage & Gordy’s Locker wieners, slim jims & smokies. In addition to traditional favorites, The Canby Meat Market has been adding several new products to the line of great homemade items. 

Full time and several part time employees fulfill processing & retail service roles.  Previous owner Chuck Moberg had 39 years experience in the meat business.  His interest began in high school FFA when he was part of championship meat judging teams.  He attended Pipestone Votech for the retail meatcutting course. He worked at Gordy’s Locker in the 70’s & 80’s.  He then moved on to retail sales & corporate sales.  His career was full circle upon becoming owner in 2008.  

(Canby News 12/14/2021:)

“New owner, Daniel VanDerostyne, has worked in the business for the last 16 years. When the Mobergs began discussing the possibility of selling around a year and a half ago, they approached their employees first. When VanDerostyne came forward wanting to buy, a deal was struck. “We didn’t even put it up for sale,” said Chuck.”  

Qualley & Boulton

History of firm

1910 A.C. (Albert) Severson opened a law office in Canby. (Studied under Canby lawyer J.N. Johnson to qualify for admission to bar).

1946 Paul Severson joined his father, A.C. Severson, with the firm name of Severson and Severson

1950 A.C. Severson dies and Isabel J. Severson* joined her brother, Paul, to continue the Severson and Severson firm.

1952 John E. Qualley and Severson and Severson merged their firms as Severson and Qualley. 

1975 Gerald Boulton joined the firm as Severson Qualley & Boulton. Paul Severson died in 1980 and later the firm name was changed to Qualley & Boulton.

1986 Randall J. Slieter joined the firm to be known as Qualley Boulton & Slieter. 

1994 Randall J. Slieter is appointed District Court judge. He is now a member of Minnesota’s Circuit Court.  Stacy L. Vinberg joined the firm to be known as Qualley, Boulton & Vinberg.

2010 Stacy L. Vinberg resigns as a partner of the firm to accept a full time position as Assistant County Attorney for Yellow Medicine County. The firm name is now known as Qualley & Boulton. 

*Isabel J. Severson is believed to be the first woman lawyer in private practice in Yellow Medicine County, if not in all of Southwestern Minnesota. She left the firm of Severson and Qualley in 1954 and spent the rest of her professional life as a clerk for Minnesota Supreme Court Justices.

Canby MN Area Chamber of Commerce

PO Box 115

Canby, MN 56220-0115

Phone not available at this time.

Copyright ©2009-2020 All photos/images are the property of the photographer and/or Canby Chamber of Commerce.

All rights reserved.

Canby MN Area Chamber of Commerce

PO Box 115

Canby, MN 56220-0115

Phone not available at this time.   Site last updated:    3/12/2025

Copyright ©2009-2025 All photos/images are the property of the photographer and/or Canby Chamber of Commerce.

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